Wellness Practices| Everything Sustainable

Health is not condition limited solely to your physical well-being. True health results from the deliberate and active pursuit of all aspects of wellness and a fulfilling, meaningful, purposeful life. Sustainable wellness practices create long-term habits designed to support the whole person. Recognizing that all facets of an individual are linked together encourages a holistic approach to wellness.

By considering each area of wellness in regard to sustainable practices, you can find new ways to improve your own health in all spheres. Begin with incremental steps, set goals and progress steadily. You will soon start to observe the ways that health flows from one area of your life into another.

Physical and Environmental Wellness

To be physically healthy, you need to eat well and move often. Spending time outdoors connects you to the world around you. Something as simple as taking a walk should be incorporated into your life routinely. Your bone strength, muscle tone, cardiovascular system, and flexibility can increase with just 30 minutes per day. Breathe deeply, taking time to appreciate the nature that surrounds you. Ask a friend to join you, pray or meditate while you move, or use outdoor time to garden. Try walking barefoot to connect with the earth. Other sustainable wellness practices include:

Emotional and Social Wellness

Emotional and social wellness involve how you interact with other people and how you view yourself. Begin to actively practice forgiveness and letting go of anger. Focus on others every single day by actively connecting with at least one person, listening carefully and considerately, being encouraging and compassionate, and sharing your interests. Other ideas to incorporate are:

Occupational and Financial Wellness

Finding work that gives you personal satisfaction and purpose increases your wellness in many areas of life. If your job does not supply this need, find it elsewhere in volunteer work or a hobby. Contribute your abilities to a cause you support. Be productive by building or creating something that interests you or is helpful to others. Live within your means and set realistic goals. You can also try these practices:

Intellectual and Spiritual Wellness

You can increase your joy and contentment by practicing gratitude. Although you may be in a difficult part of your life, listing things that make you feel grateful will make you more aware of them. Try to learn something new each day, and encourage someone else to learn with you. Dive deeper into those things that you are passionate about. Love other people and your God through service, and pursue activities that support your values and beliefs. Other ideas include:

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